Residents asked to reimagine downtown after 54 rebuild

An open house is planned for Thursday at the Recreation Community Building at Riverside Park to discuss the rebuild and how it would impact the community.



August 25, 2020 - 10:13 AM

With a full rebuild of U.S. 54 through much of Iola coming down the pike, city officials are hoping to get input from those most affected by such a project.

An open house is planned from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday at the Recreation Community Building at Riverside Park  to discuss what is needed, and how best to tackle it.

It’s an opportunity for Iolans to reimagine what downtown looks like during and after the project, Interim City Administrator Corey Schinstock explained.

Several stations will be set up to detail what’s in the plans, and what will need to change.

Engineers from Burns & McDonald will be on hand as well to answer questions.

“This is always going to be a concern for downtown businesses,” Schinstock said.

The study phase for the rebuild will conclude this fall; work is anticipated to begin in the spring of 2024.

With more than half of the Iola City Council members interested in attending the open house, Mayor Jon Wells suggested the city announce it as a city meeting, to remain in compliance with Kansas Open Meetings Act stipulations.
