Register launches Q&A


Ask the Register

January 15, 2019 - 10:21 AM

It?s no secret Register readers are every bit the newshound as our staff. And it?s your curiosity about what goes on in Allen County that helps guide our news coverage.

In that spirit, The Register is launching its newest initiative: Ask The Register. The method is simple. You can either ask a question about a topic or vote on questions posed, and we?ll do our best to find and report the answers in each Tuesday?s edition, beginning Jan. 22.

It?s one more way to make sure we report about the issues that matter most to our readers.

The series starts with the upcoming school bond election for USD 257. Already, several citizens have called with questions and comments about the April 2 election. We know this is an important vote for our community, and we want to provide everyone with the best information possible.

So check out Ask the Register. Submit a question. Vote on the one you?d like to see our staff investigate. And stay tuned for the results!
