Red Cross gives free smoke detectors



December 15, 2014 - 12:00 AM

Donna Culver wants to make homes a little safer, especially this time of year.
Culver, who works for the American Red Cross, said free smoke detectors will be given away to anybody who wants one while food is being distributed twice a week from the Iola Community Pantry. The Community Pantry, at the intersection of Washington and Broadway streets, is open Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Culver cited several statistics to prove just how vital the devices are.
In 2013,  Red Cross chapters in southeast Kansas responded to 116 family fires.
Meanwhile, 65 percent of all fire-related deaths are in homes with no functioning smoke alarms, Culver said.
Despite this, a recent Red Cross survey found 40 percent of people lived in a home with no smoke alarm; 20 percent of those had smoke alarms, but had intentionally disabled the devices because of “nuisance” factors.
Culver recommends putting smoke alarms on every floor of a house, inside bedrooms and outdoor sleeping areas.
Smoke detectors should be checked monthly by pushing the “test” button. Batteries should be changed regularly; firefighters recommend doing so at the start and end of daylight saving time.
In addition to the detectors, Red Cross will give away small cards to be used to map out home fire escape plans.
Culver urged all families to think through all potential scenarios; how to escape a burning home if you’re in bed at night; where to meet outside the home to ensure everyone is safe; and to discuss escape plans on a regular basis.
Culver said the Red Cross officials also will install the alarms if necessary.
To have one installed call toll-free (888) 460-1050.
