Representatives of PrairieLand Partners plan to ask the Iola City Council for help building infrastructure for a new John Deere facility on recently annexed land.
The PrairieLand Partners representatives will attend a Council meeting at 6 p.m. Monday for a presentation about their planned development at the northwest corner of U.S. 169 and Oregon Road.
They plan to ask the city to extend water and sewer services to the property boundary. Projected costs are $69,552.70.
The proposal will explain how the new facility will benefit the Iola economy and the potential for job growth.
THE COUNCIL also will consider a resident’s request to allow exceptions for certain types of garden fencing.
Myra Gleason will ask officials to consider amending the city’s code regarding fences to allow exceptions for gardens to include agriculture-type fencing such as T-posts and chicken wire.
Currently, the city’s code prohibits agriculture fencing such as cattle panels, welded wire and chicken wire in residential districts. T-posts are not addressed.
The item is set for discussion; action is not expected at Monday’s meeting.
ALSO on the agenda are setting hearings for the city’s 2024 budget and revenue neutral rate, discussion of bids for a new electric distribution bucket truck and requests from organizations regarding community events.