No timetable for highway lights repair

Ask the Register

January 9, 2020 - 10:32 AM

Highway officials are aware the exits to Humboldt off U.S. 169 are not lighted, but gave no indication as to when they will be repaired.

That’s the short — and probably unsatisfactory answer — to a query sent the Register’s way from Humboldt citizens Doug and Linda Leonard. 

The Leonards said they noticed the lights had been out since the new highway opened. “It’s just hard to see the exits from the highway when you are driving up on it. I imagined it was damaged during construction, but we want to know if they will ever be fixed. It seems necessary for lights to be there,” Doug said.

Kansas Department of Transportation representative Darrin Petrowsky said the lines to the light poles were damaged during construction of the new highway.

“We do know about the lights being out and KDOT is currently evaluating the situation. We do not know if we will need to replace the lights, or when anything will be done at this time,” Petrowsky said. 

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