News from Colony



May 15, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Crest High School students inducted to National Honor Society are, from left, Gregory Hardwick, Ridley Black, Summer Starr and Kim Landsdown. REGISTER/MARY A. LUEDKE


Monday-Seekers Not Slackers 4-H Club, Lone Elm Community building, 7 p.m.; Jolly Dozen Club, 7 p.m.; May 23-Fire Dept. fire meeting, Fire Station, 7 p.m.

School calendar

Friday-high school track regionals at Burlington; May 25-26-state track meet at Wichita.

Meal site

Friday-fish, au gratin potatoes, Caribbean blend, bread, rosy applesauce; Monday-Mr. Rib, baked beans, salad with spinach, bun, peaches; May 23-chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli, roll, blueberry crisp; 25-tuna salad, white bean soup, bun, lemon medley. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations.

Colony/Crest Alumni

Donation containers have been placed in the Colony business area for donations to the Earl Clemens Jr. scholarship. Caterers at the alumni this year will be Renda Hammond and Cindy Rhodes, who formerly operated the Café in Kincaid. Music will be provided by South Wind from Humboldt. Early tickets may be purchased for $18 or at the door for $20.

Call Mary Scovill, vice president, for more information at 365-9175.

Christian Church

Bruce Symes gave a reading from Gregory Osborne, “Things My Mother Taught Me” at the Mother’s Day service Sunday. He spoke of Jesus on the cross, overcome with the weight of our sins, anticipating giving us the Holy Spirit, and yet he still provided for his mother by saying that John would now be her son, and her his mother. Chase Riebel’s sermon was “Cost of Being a Disciple,” referencing Luke 14:25-35.

The men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday, youth group meets at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a meal and prayer at 5 and adult Bible study at 7.

Current study is on “Praying the Psalms.” Graduates will be celebrated Sunday. The Creative Blessings women’s life group will meet at the parsonage from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday.

Cowboy Church

The praise band, led by Cindy Beckmon, opened the Mother’s Day service at High Point Cowboy Church, after which Pastor Jon Petty greeted the mothers in the audience.

Returning to Colossians 1:9-18 Pastor Petty touched on living worthy by being fruitful, producing the same things Jesus produced, and increasing your knowledge of God.


The United Methodist Women were in charge of the Mother’s Day church service. Scripture included Psalm 47: 1-9, Acts 1: 1-11, Ephesians 1: 15-23 and Luke 24: 42-53.

Crest graduates

Congratulations to our 20 Crest seniors: Kendell Anderson, Katelynn Brewer, Anthony Dunlap, Alexis Goldner, Brendon Hammer, Austin Hendrix, Makayla Jones, Austin Louk, Dylan McCutchen, Nikolaos Peterson, Austin Rohr, Hayden Sea-bolt, Tavyn Springston, Caleb Stephens, Kadyn Utley, Nickolas Vaughn, C. J. Ward, Seth Whitcomb, Chris Wilhite and Morgan Wyant.


Kansas Board of Regents Curriculum Completers and Kansas State Scholar— Makayla Jones


Allen Community College — Hayden Seabolt, Austin Hendrix, Kendell Anderson, Morgan Wyant, Katelynn Brewer, C.J. Ward

Fort Scott Community College — Seth Whitcomb, Dylan McCutchen, Lexie Goldner

Chelsie Spain Memorial Scholarship — Austin Hendrix
