Saturday-Arts and Crafts Fair, Lone Elm Community Building, Lone Elm-9 a.m.-2 p.m.; April 25 – Court, City Hall Community Room, 6 p.m.; City Council meeting follows, 7 p.m.; Fire Dept. fire meeting, Fire Station, 7 p.m.; May 2-Lions Club, United Methodist Church basement, 7 p.m.
School calendar
Monday-baseball/ softball Crest vs. Pleasanton, 3:30 p.m.; high school JV at Fort Scott, 3:30-7:30 p.m.; high school track at Jay-hawk Linn, 3:30 p.m; 26-baseball/softball at Madison, 3 p.m.-7 p.m.; middle school track at Burlingame; April 27- no school; high school track at Madison, 3 p.m.; May 1-baseball/softball at Madison, 3 p.m.; middle school track at Burlingame
Meal site
Friday-turkey burger or fish, potato salad, Capri blend, hamburger bun, juice; Monday-scalloped chicken, raw veggie salad, corn wheat bread, apricots; April 25-live musi and Vision cards accepted-chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli, roll, blueberry crisp. Phone 620-852-3457 for reservations.
Christian Church
Howard Reiter gave the communion meditation Sunday on Luke 12:13-21. Chase Riebels sermon was Speaking Plain. Jesus tells his disciples that the harvest is great, but the workers are few. His Bible references were Matthew 9:35-38, 6:7 and 28:18-20; and 1 Corinthians 1:17 and 2:1-5.
Mens Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday; the youth group meets at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a meal at 5:30 and adult Bible study at 7 oclock. The current study is on Praying the Psalms.
The youth group is taking donations for the Colony citywide garage sales April 27-28, to earn money for a youth trip. To donate, bring items to the church or contact Jessica Riebel. Also on April 28, the church will host another free movie night.
The monthly potluck dinner is May 6, followed by the annual meeting. Pictures will be taken that day for the church directory. The Ladies Spring Banquet is at 6 p.m., May 7 at the City Hall Community Room. All ladies are welcome to attend. Baby items will be accepted for the Pregnancy Resource Center.
Cowboy Church
Pastor John Pettys sermon at High Point Cowboy Church spoke about the message for believers found in Colossians 1:5, 9-18.
Cindy Beckmon led the praise worship and Ron Thompson led a book study.
Scripture presented at Sundays United Methodist Church service was Psalm 4: 1-8, Acts 3: 12-19, 1 John 3: 1-7 and Luke 24: 36-48. Pastor Dorothy Welch presented the sermon.
The Crest Education Foundation continues to work hard to rebuild its coffers. Their Youve Been Flocked fund-raiser is well underway. Two flocks are moving throughout the area. The birds have landed at the Golden, Ramsey and Fuller residences, as well as the yards of Kincaid Mayor Mike Davis and Crest Principal Travis Hermreck
The fundraiser will run through April 27.
The foundation is partnering with the Kincaid Recreation Association to host a Coed Slow Pitch Softball Tournament May 5. Teams must be registered by April 30.
Visit Crest Education Foundations Facebook page, or contact Candi Powell for more information at (785) 304-3000.
Board of Education
The Crest Board of Education met April 9.
The resignations accepted: Superintendent of Schools and Crest High Principal Chuck Mahon, instructor and yearbook sponsor Lynn Shepard, assistant junior class sponsor Hannah Boehm, teacher Morgan Menefee, teacher and FCCLA sponsor Kayla Taylor and maintenance superintendent Jon Thompson.
Hired were Mrs. Megan as assistant high school track coach, Anna Allen and as drama and yearbook coach, Lisa Wicoff as a teacher and middle school STUCO sponsor, Kaitlyn Dispensia as a teacher and middle school track coach, high school cheer coach and assistant junior class sponsor and Caitlin Callaway as a teacher and FCCLA sponsor.
In other news, the school finance bill approved by the Legislature would increase the school districts funding by $24,044, Mahon said.