Myrna Wildschuetz played Cant You Just Feel His Presence for her prelude Sunday.
The Rev. Tom Bevard, founder and director of Freedom Ministries, was guest song leader. He sang Precious Lord, Take My Hand.
Pastor Steve Traws message Its a Miracle was taken from John 20:24-31.
Celebrating his birthday Monday was John Burton. Bryan and Barb Crites celebrated their anniversary Thursday.
Kate Traw, founder of and granddaughter of Pastor Traw, will be guest speaker for the morning worship service this Sunday. Kate has recently returned from Beirut, Lebanon, where she attended the University of Beirut. She is continuing her education while learning Arabic and doing mission work.
Around town
The Harmony Ladies Society Club met for a meeting Monday at Pizza Hut. Pauli Hawk hosted the event.
Attending were members, Joanne McIntyre, Dixie Bunch, Jan Powell, Mary Anna Haney, Jean Prothe and the hostess.