New roof coming for law enforcement center



May 20, 2015 - 12:00 AM

Allen County will spend nearly $68,000 to put a new roof on the Allen County Law Enforcement Center.
The decision came after Sheriff Bryan Murphy and Ron Holman, courthouse maintenance supervisor, assured commissioners the leaking roof would only get worse, and threaten internal equipment if nothing were done.
“It’s leaked since the day it opened (2004),” said Commission Chairman Tom Williams, who as former sheriff has first-hand knowledge, and said repairs had been in constant need.
The roof was under warranty by Groh and Sons, Emporia, which installed it, but provisions limit responsibility to repairs, not a new roof.
A new roof would strain the sheriff’s budget, Murphy said, noting about $40,000 for computer software had already been spent.
Enter Bill King, director of Public Works. On request from commissioners, King said landfill reserves, mainly from tipping fees, could support a transfer to pay for the roof. The landfill fund contains about $1.5 million, with $765,000 earmarked for the purchase of 255 acres from Don Diebolt, whose land is adjacent to the quarry/landfill complex.
Boren’s Roofing, Iola, was the only bidder for the new roof, at $67,850.

COMMISSIONERS decided to cancel next Tuesday’s meeting on recommendation of Commissioner Jerry Daniels, in order to “recognize all in uniform and our veterans.” Monday is Veterans Day.
They learned from Treasurer Darolyn Maley that 94.4 percent of ad valorem taxes had been collected, with the deadline for payment of the second half of property taxes having been May 10. All told, collections are $15,304,692.24 of $16,315,487.54 assessed.
She described 94.4 percent as “about the same as past years,” and said delinquency usually settles out at about 3 percent.
Maley also noted vehicle owners will be notified of new registration by postcard, starting July 1 for August renewals. Owners need to bring their previous year’s registration or license tag number and insurance information if they register in person at the courthouse. Registrations also may be done online or by mail.

March 25, 2015
September 7, 2011
October 27, 2010
April 21, 2010