Love stories: Roger and Billie Collins battle through illness


February 17, 2021 - 9:16 AM

Roger and Billie Collins

By Melissa Genoble

Let’s take a journey back 32 years to Roger’s 27th birthday, Feb. 1, 1989. It was a day unlike any other. It was the day he met the love of his life and changed his life forever. 

For the last 32 years they have raised their three (now adult) children and welcomed four grandchildren into their lives that they would do absolutely anything for. Together they ran Central Publishing, the family business until tragedy struck in July 2020. 

Through thick and thin they’ve endured marriage and all that comes with it. The true testimony of their love began seven months ago on July 13, 2020 when Roger was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was life-flighted out of Allen County. This began the hardest and scariest test of their love for one another. Being next of kin and Roger’s medical power of attorney, Billie has been told hard- to-handle (temporary) truths and asked to make medical decisions no one should ever have to make. 

Their love has kept Roger fighting to get home and kept Billie glued to his window during all kinds of weather due to being unable to enter the facility due to COVID regulations. They remain separated by a plate of glass most of the time, but their love for each other burns stronger than ever. Love notes on windows, hand signs to communicate, and making friends with the hospital staff to be able to steal moments on the phone with each other. Never once has it been a question of should I or can I. Billie has been there to cheer on every bit of progress and despite the mental struggles of going from provider to being glued to his bed hooked up to everything imaginable, he’s defied the odds and continued to fight to return home to the love of his life and family.
