Moran Youth Recreation was awarded $500 to help fund athletic equipment upgrades and supplies, including a portable scoreboard/time clock and new footballs for flag football. Receiving the award are, from left, Vance Tynon, Doug Dix, Tyler Borth, Reese Cole (holding check), Emmett Cole and Job Springer of the Your Community Foundation stands.
Your Community Foundation awarded $15,000 in seven grants as part of its 2023 giving. The grants focused on promoting health and education efforts to various community organizations. The foundation’s president Job Springer presented the recipients with their award.
Established in 2012, Your Community Foundation works to advance the quality of life in Allen County.
To apply for a YCF grant, visit its website. The foundation awards grants every fall. Grant monies are made possible from earnings on endowed funds.
Iola CITF/Pride, awarded $2,500, will dedicate the funds to the creation of a splash park in Meadowbrook Park. From left, board members Ashley Omack, Chelsey Beasley, Heather Curry and Donna Houser, accept the award from Springer.SEK Multi-County Health Department was awarded $2,500 to help fund awareness and prevention of tick-borne illnesses like alpha-gal syndrome. Their efforts will reach across southeast Kansas. Receiving the award are, from left, director Rebecca Johnson, public health nurse Lindsey Shaughnessy, and marketing and outreach director Brittany Frishman. The Pregnancy and Family Resource Center received a grant of $2,500 to purchase car seats and infant/child safety gates. On hand to accept the award are, from left, Theresia Turner, co-director, Jonathan Adams, Brandon Hesse, Marcia Roos and Harold Hoffman.Elsmore Ruritan Club received $2,500 for their food pantry, a vital tool in fighting hunger in eastern Allen County. Accepting the award are Alice Bolin and Nicki Gossett.
The Growing Place received a $2,500 grant to purchase new booster seats and upgrade the center’s fire alarm system. Owner Jane Works, center, and director Sarah Kennington pose with Springer. Humanity House was awarded $2,000 to help purchase food and toys for their Christmas boxes. Interim director Georgia Masterson received the award from Springer.