Victim advocates for cameras in ambulances

The victim in a reported sexual assault case told the Allen County Commission she supported a proposal to put cameras in ambulances. A paramedic is accused of giving the victim medication and then assaulting her while she was unconscious.


Local News

June 6, 2023 - 1:51 PM

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The victim in a reported sexual assault case told county commissioners she supports putting cameras in ambulances.

Katy Vanatta told Allen County commissioners on Tuesday morning she was the victim in a reported criminal case. According to district court records and her own words, she was given medication that rendered her unconscious and was assaulted while being transported during a medical emergency in December 2022.

“No one should ever have to worry about being violated or assaulted when unconscious, especially by medical personnel,” Vanatta said. 

“I’m here to support cameras in all areas, front and back, to help prevent other people from being a victim of physical and sexual assault while being transported in an ambulance.”

Adam M. Ferguson, 42, then a paramedic for the City of Iola, was arrested and charged on May 22 with three counts of sexual assault. He is no longer employed by the city.

The criminal charges came at about the same time county and city officials were negotiating a  a new contract for ambulance services.

During a discussion last week, Commissioner Jerry Daniels said he hoped to have cameras installed in ambulances but at the same time he and other  commissioners were concerned about medical privacy laws. 

After Vanatta spoke, they reiterated their support for cameras if those legal questions could be resolved.

Mayor Steve French, who has represented the city on EMS contract negotiations, also said he believed city leaders support the idea but more research on the law is needed.

“The outcome is going to be predicated on what the law allows,” French said. “I think anything that protects not just employees but potential victims is a good idea.”

The Register typically does not identify victims of sexual assault unless they agree. Vanatta appeared at a public meeting and agreed to use her name.

December 10, 2018
April 28, 2018
August 16, 2013
August 16, 2013