‘Tis already the season in LaHarpe

From a Thanksgiving Eve meal to a Christmas light contest, LaHarpe has several holiday activities in store in the coming weeks. The community's help is sought for some of the activities.


Local News

November 16, 2021 - 10:33 AM

LAHARPE — Courtney Frame’s already hectic schedule is about to shift into high gear.

As LaHarpe health and wellness coordinator, Frame has a number of activities in the works for Thanksgiving and beyond.

Monday started a weeklong food drive, in which Frame hopes to accept donations for Thanksgiving food baskets for families in need.

Boxes are placed in LaHarpe City Hall for donations.

The food drive culminates with a pair of community activities.

First up is a day of Thanksgiving-themed games and activities from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday at City Hall.

Then, Frame is hosting a Thanksgiving Eve chicken-noodle dinner from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 24 — or until the food runs out.

As a one-woman-show, Frame is hoping to secure a handful of volunteers, first to help with food preparation Sunday at City Hall, then to help serve up meals on Thanksgiving Eve.

MEANWHILE, the LaHarpe PRIDE Committee hopes things begin to look a lot like Christmas soon.

The group is hosting its annual Christmas Light Contest, with a bigger prize than in years past.

Community members are being asked to vote for their three favorite displays in LaHarpe city limits through Dec 20.

The first prize will get a $150 gift certificate to TLC Garden Center. Second place gets $100; third gets $50.

Votes can be cast at City Hall — one vote per person, please — or by sending a message to the LaHarpe PRIDE Facebook page.

The winners will be announced at PRIDE’s Dec. 20 meeting.
