The ART of transportation

The county’s public ride service, Allen Regional Transit, got its start 5 years ago under Thrive. It's now a separate non-profit that gave more than 6,700 rides last year.


Local News

January 16, 2025 - 1:51 PM

The Allen Regional Transit (ART) team includes drivers Summer Schulenberg, from left, Norma McDaniel, Director Jeff Keithly and office manager Angie Roney. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

The need for public transportation drives Jeff Keithly to keep Allen Regional Transit (ART) moving forward. 

“When I first came here, I thought the need couldn’t be high. I quickly discovered there’s a huge need,” Keithly, director of ART, said. 

And it keeps growing. 

In 2023, ART provided about 5,000 rides for Allen County residents. Most were for medical reasons, while others were to take care of basic needs such as trips to the grocery store, laundromat or a job. Some needed transportation for out-of-town medical or court appointments. 

Last year, ART gave more than 6,700 rides. 

“That’s a lot. That’s 6,700 rides that probably wouldn’t have happened,” Keithly said.

ART is a spin-off service that began under Thrive Allen County. This month marks the fifth year since Thrive first introduced a public transportation program. ART started in late 2022 with Keithly tapped to lead the fledgling non-profit. He brought about a decade of experience in transportation dispatch and logistics. 

“We’ve gotten so much busier since I started. We’ve hired more drivers and purchased more vehicles. We have riders who are very dedicated to using our service. They depend on us and trust us,” Keithly said. 

“I’d love to have a dozen drivers and 15 vehicles. If we had the funding and the resources, we’d keep them busy.”

Currently, ART has six drivers. Its fleet of vehicles includes a small bus, two handicapped-accessible vans and four cars.

Keithly’s goal is to form partnerships within the local community, such as working with local governments or area healthcare providers to ensure their clients have rides. For example, ART has an agreement with SEK Area Agency on Aging in Chanute, which pays for rides for its clients. 

Keithly did not want to discuss details of any pending negotiations, but said he believes partnerships are one of the keys to ensuring ART remains sustainable for years to come.

“We’re still learning and we’re looking for a way to expand,” Keithly said. “We want to continue to grow.”

ART’S ROOTS began with a transportation study conducted by Thrive in 2019. From the study, Thrive staff were shocked to learn:

• About 20% of Allen County residents lack reliable transportation.

• Some residents wait two to three weeks between trips to the grocery store because they can’t find someone to take them. 

• Cancer patients sometimes miss chemotherapy appointments and dialysis treatments.
