Saturday was a momentous day for Iola High School’s forensics team.
Iola’s speech and drama troupe split into two factions, and nearly came away with two overall titles in the process.
One contingent traveled to Wellsville, and came home with the Pioneer League Championship in tow.
Individual results:
Oral interpretation of prose: 2. Adryan Nading, 4. Macie Hoag, 5. Hannah Andersen.
Oral interpretation of poetry: 1. Jesse Taylor, 3. Hannah Andersen.
Serious solo acting: 2. Elsie Fleming, 4. Macie Hoag, 5. Elanie Sturgeon.
Duet acting: 3. Eve Ard and Austin Morris.
Improvised duet acting: 4. Bobby Lewis and Austin Morris.
Impromptu speaking: 5. Luke Wicoff.
Original oration: 1. Elsie Fleming, 3. Bobby Lewis.
Informative speaking: 1. Jesse Taylor, 2. Bobby Lewis, 6. Luke Wicoff.
MEANWHILE, Iola’s other forensics team took home second place at the Paola Invitational, an equally impressive feat, head coach Regina Chriestenson said, because of the prevalence of 5A and 6A schools competing. (Blue Valley took home first among the 18 schools in attendance.)
Individual results:
Oral interpretation of prose: 3. Allie Fager, 5. River Hess.
Oral interpretation of poetry: 5. Isabella Duke, 6. Jon Poffenbarger.
Serious solo acting: 3. Lexie Vega, 5. Isabella Duke.
Duo: 1. Sadrie Overall and Gaby Lampe.
Duet acting: 6. Haley Carlin and Jon Poffenbarger.
Improvised duet acting: 2. Lexie Vega and River Hess, 6. Haley Carlin and Sadrie Overall.