Allen County Sheriff Bryan Murphy asked commissioners to replace an aging heating and cooling system at the jail.
The HVAC system is 20 years old, exceeding its recommended lifespan of 15 years.
The system also uses an obsolete refrigerant that is in short supply. Newer units will meet more stringent energy efficient standards, which should reduce costs.
Murphy submitted two bids, one from Design Mechanical of Kansas City for $106,133 and one from CDL Electric Co. of Pittsburg for $143,461.
Murphy said he preferred to go with the company that installed the previous system, Design Mechanical, which was also the low bid.
Commissioners supported Murphy’s request but wanted to know where he would find the money. Murphy said he wanted to use about $70,000 from an account collected by charging out-of-county inmates for room and board, and from another inmate fund that has about $25,000.
That leaves a gap of about $31,000.
Commissioners said they wanted to take another week to consider the matter, particularly to determine where the money might come from.
Murphy said he might have an option, as he has requested $33,000 for reimbursement from the state under a new program that compensates law enforcement $100 per day for inmates who are waiting for a mental health evaluation at Larned State Hospital.
Kansas legislators passed two laws regarding reimbursement during the last session. The laws also provide reimbursement for the time patients are in a hospital and for transportation costs.
In 2022, the ACLU sued the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (KDADS), citing wait times as long as 13 months for competency evaluations and treatment for people facing criminal charges. Some inmates spend more time waiting for an evaluation or treatment bed than they would face in prison if convicted.
IN OTHER news:
An open house for the Allen County Regional Airport is scheduled for 7 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 30. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. The airport has undergone numerous improvements over the past year, and this is a chance for the public to see the changes.
Public Works Director Mitch Garner submitted bids to replace doors at the airport. The doors were damaged in storms and the county received about $109,000 from insurance.
Garner wants to replace them with hydraulic doors that will better withstand wind. He submitted two bids, with the low bid from S & S Powerlift Hydraulic Doors LLC of Spivey, for four 14-by-48 ft. doors at a total cost of $113,574.68.
Road and Bridge director Mark Griffith reported crews will soon arrive to paint road lines. He plans to paint the old highway from Iola to Humboldt, and from Humboldt to the county line.
A machine used in the chip-and-seal process has gone down and crews borrowed one from Anderson County. However, with delays from storm damage and equipment repair means crews are unlikely to complete as many projects as planned, Griffith said.