A water rate hike seemingly approved by Iola City Council members in April must be voted on again in order to take effect.
At issue is a state law that requires all city ordinances be passed by a majority of the eight-member governing body. That means five votes, regardless of absences.
The April 23 vote, meanwhile, was deadlocked, 3-3, before Mayor Jon Wells cast the tie-breaking vote in favor of the hike. Absent were Councilman Mark Peters and former Council member Bob Shaughnessy.
The rate hikes are necessary, City Administrator Sid Fleming said then, in order to shore up water revenues.
The Council also must vote again on a measure that would use capital projects reserves to make this years $600,000 water plant bond payment instead of the water fund, Fleming said.
OTHER topics on Tuesdays agenda pushed back a day because Monday falls on Memorial Day include discussions about Iolas 2019 budget preparations; a motion to institute $2 monthly surcharges on utility bills to fund parks and recreation programs and trail upkeep (with customers allowed to opt out if they choose); a condemnation hearing for a property at 3 W. Neosho St.; and a requested franchise agreement from Kwi-Kom to institute fiber optic services to Iola.
The 6 p.m. meeting will be in the New Community Building at Io-las Riverside Park. The public is invited.