Radar installed

A weather radar station was installed on the water tower north of Humboldt.


Local News

March 27, 2024 - 2:20 PM

Crews installed a 5,000 lb. weather radar station atop the north water tower in Humboldt Wednesday morning. Photo by Sarah Haney / Iola Register

A 5,000 lb. weather radar station now sits atop the water tower north of Humboldt. Crews finished installing the addition Wednesday morning. 

Humboldt City Council members agreed in January to allow Climavision Operating, LLC, of Louisville, Ky., to install the dome-shaped station on the 80-foot tower. The round fiberglass structure will be accessible from the inside of the water tower. 

Prior to its installation, the nearest weather station was located in Wichita. Once functioning, the system will provide local municipalities access to live radar feeds for the purpose of forecasting, public alerts and emergency preparation activities. 

Distinguishing it from the other water towers in town, City Administrator Cole Herder said it is the one that “looks like a golf tee with a golf ball sitting on top.”

Crews installed a 5,000 lb. weather radar station atop the north water tower in Humboldt Wednesday morning.Photo by Sarah Haney / Iola Register