Kincaid draws quite a crowd

Indian Summer conditions greeted throngs of festival-goers to Kincaid Saturday for the community's free fair.


Local News

October 2, 2023 - 3:16 PM

Kinley Edgerton was crowned 2023 Fair Queen before the start of the Kincaid Fair parade. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

A large crowd turned out for the annual Kincaid Free Fair parade Saturday. 

The theme was “Back to the Country.”

Large crowds turned out over the weekend to the Kincaid Free Fair. This exhibit features a batch of cookies inside a lavishly decrated pumpkin. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register
The Benedict family dressed as clowns to lead their cow, Rosie, through the throngs of parade watchers Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register
Janice (Smethers) Feuerborn was named Grand Marshal for the parade, along with her late husband, Terry. Both are longtime fair supporters; Terry served on the Kincaid Fair board, including as president, and Janice was superintendent of the fair queen candidates for many years. Terry was looking forward to serving as grand marshal but died on June 26. Janice was escorted through the parade route in a horse-drawn carriage driven by Rep. Fred Gardner. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register
Mia Nicholson turned her horse into a bicycle for the bicycle decoration contest. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register
The Kincaid Selma Community Church won grand prize with their float. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register
A large crowd turned out for the annual Kincaid Free Fair parade on Saturday. The theme was “Back to the Country.” Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register
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Kinley Edgerton was crowned Fair Queen before the start of the parade.
