KBI investigating fatal shooting in Chanute

A Chanute police officer shot a man authorities said pointed a weapon at the officer as the officer responded to a call of a suspicious person Friday evening. The man later died of his injuries.

Local News

August 23, 2021 - 7:00 AM

CHANUTE — The Kansas Bureau of Investigation is investigating a shooting Friday night in which a Chanute Police Officer shot and killed a Chanute man.

According to a KBI news release, Chanute police officers received a report Friday of a suspicious person looking into vehicle windows near the intersection of Fourth Street and Evergreen Avenue.

Officers located the man, later identified as Brandon Lee Schlichting, 28, Chanute. Officers said when they attempted to make contact, he pulled a weapon from a holster and pointed it at an officer.

The officer fired once, striking the man in the head. Emergency personnel immediately began treating the man for his injuries. He was taken to Neosho Memorial Regional Medical Center and later transferred to the University of Kansas Medical Center.

The incident occurred at about 7:30.

Schlicting died Sunday.

Agents from KBI said a report from the investigation will be forwarded to the Neosho County attorney’s office for review.

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