Iola students earn District Band recognition 

Iola Middle and High school band students were named to District Band. 

Local News

November 9, 2023 - 3:49 PM

Iola Middle and High school students named to District Band include, front row, Kevon Loving, Raiden Stowell, Cruz Ross, Jillian Ward, Sheridan Byrd, Alyssa Williams, Isaiah Geisler; back, Jackson Ulrich, Madeleine Wanker, Bethany Miller, Benjamin Fager and Kale Godfrey. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

The High School District Honor Band Clinic will be on Dec. 2. They auditioned in person on Nov. 4. 

The Middle School District Honor Band Clinic is on Jan. 27. They competed by submitting an audio recording, that was considered Oct. 30-Nov. 3. 

Students receive audition material during the summer, then spend weeks practicing before the performance in front of a judge, Bethany Miller explained. 

“You have excerpts and you sit down and work through it the best you can,” Madeleine Wanker added. 

Being selected for District Band is quite an honor, Jillian Ward said, because “only a select few make it.” 

The number of Iola band students named to District Band has increased in recent years. 

Students named to District Band are: 

Middle school 

Kevon Loving, alto saxophone, first chair 

Isaiah Geisler, snare drum, second chair 

Raiden Stowell, trombone, third chair 

Cruz Ross, marimba, third chair 

High school 

Sheridan Byrd, bass clarinet, first chair 

Kale Godfrey, baritone saxophone, first chair 

Bethany Miller, trombone, second chair 

Madeleine Wanker, trumpet, second chair 

Jillian Ward, clarinet, seventh chair 

Jackson Ulrich, trumpet, second alternate 

Alyssa Williams, trombone, second alternate 
