IHS forensics team wins league crown

Iola High School's forensics team is the Pioneer League champion for 2025. The Iola speakers and actors brought home seven individual champions to roll to the team sweepstakes title.

Local News

March 11, 2025 - 2:29 PM

Iola High School’s Pioneer League Champion forensics team members are, front row from left, Layla Newkirk, Everett Glaze, Evie Schooler, Tessa Brutchin, Elizabeth Chriestenson, Shaun McLaughlin, Alyssa Williams, Madelyn Ashworth, Bethany Miller and Stephanie Fees; second row, Max Andersen, Ben Heiman, Franklin Kerr, Jeffrey Ashworth, Cole Moyer, Demarco Ross, Sarah Ross, Lily Lohman, Bella Rahming and Kaeden Vega. Courtesy photo

WELLSVILLE — Iola High School’s forensics team brought home a league championship Saturday.

Iola’s competitive speaking and acting squad brought home seven individual first-place finishes to run away with the team sweepstakes crown.

Full results follow:

Oral interpretation of prose: 1. Layla Newkirk, 2. Max Andersen, 3. Madelyn Ashworth

Oral interpretation of poetry: 2. Demarco Ross, 3. Sarah Ross, 4. Shaun McLaughlin

Program of oral interpretation: 1. Bella Rahming, 2, Andersen, 4. Evie Schooler

Humorous solo acting: 2. Everett Glaze, 4. Schooler

Serious solo acting: 1. Glaze, 3. Newkirk, 4. Stephanie Fees

Duet acting: 1. Cole Moyer and Glaze, 2. Demarco Ross and Kaeden Vega; 3. Sarah Ross and Ben Heiman; 4. Newkirk and Alyssa Williams

Improvised duet acting: 1. Lily Lohman and Rahming, 2. Moyer and Vega, 3. Williams and Franklin Kerr

Informative speaking: 1. Bethany Miller, 4. Tessa Brutchin, 5. McLaughlin, 6. Ashworth

Impromptu speaking: 1. Miller, 3. Brutchin.

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