Elsmore residents want housing, infrastructure

A Community Conversation allowed Elsmore residents to talk about their priorities and challenges. They talked about the need for short-term rental housing with an RV park or small rentals for hunters or those visiting the lake. They also want help with drainage and ditches.


Local News

October 30, 2024 - 1:22 PM

Thrive Director of Community Engagement Marcia Davis updates Allen County Commissioners on the recent Elsmore Community Conversation. Photo by Sarah Haney / Iola Register

Infrastructure and housing top the list of priorities for Elsmore residents. The small community held a Community Conversation Oct. 22 to discuss what they enjoy about their town, as well as what areas need improvement.

Allen County Commissioners received an update on the conversation Tuesday morning from Thrive Director of Community Engagement Marcia Davis. 

She noted that the conversation had 10 residents in attendance, as well as Commissioner David Lee and Road and Bridge Director Jeremy Hopkins.

“What they like about their community is that it is quiet and welcoming,” said Davis. “They help each other out.” 

Location was also deemed an appealing factor. “The lake is close and there is good hunting in the area,” said Davis. “It’s in the middle of everywhere. It’s close to Fort Scott, Moran, Chanute, and Iola.”

Housing is another area for improvement residents would like to work on. “They brought up trying to do some sort of short-term rental housing,” said Davis. “Maybe an RV park or small rentals for hunters and people who are coming to the lake.” She added that getting families to move to Elsmore is a priority for citizens. 

As far as infrastructure, they would like to see some work done on their drainage and ditches. “The mayor was at the conversation and said she was going to take care of that,” said Davis. “She didn’t realize that was still an issue.” 

Electrical upgrades are next on the list. The city currently utilizes a Delta configuration for its electrical system, but they would like to improve it to a WYE system. Both Delta and WYE configurations have the flexibility to deliver power over three wires, but the principal differences between the two are based on the number of wires available within each configuration and the current flow. 

“The Delta system that they have is so old- fashioned that nobody has replacement parts for it around here,” said Davis. “They can’t just borrow a transformer or something from elsewhere when they have an emergency. They’d like to do a complete upgrade.” 

She added that LaHarpe did a similar upgrade in 2018. At that time, Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) were available to fund the upgrade. “I think CDBG’s focus is no longer on utilities,” said Commissioner Lee. Davis noted that Thrive is actively helping Elsmore find and pursue grants for the upgrade. Jared Wheeler, Thrive economic developer, clarified that the upcoming round of CDBG funding would be focused on community centers.

The community also has an issue with fallen limbs getting into the wires, affecting the electrical grid. “Jeremy (Hopkins) said he would come help with some of the trimming,” noted Davis. Lee added that the Kansas Municipal Energy Agency (KMEA) responds whenever the town has electrical issues. “If it’s a significant issue, KMEA will bring somebody out,” he said.

Residents would like to see a keycard system be utilized to access the town’s weight room. Currently, those wanting to use the weight room must find someone who has a key to unlock it. 

“We are working on that, too,” said Davis. Their top priorities include upgrading electrical; repairing the community hall’s floors, updating with a keycard system, and getting a new air conditioning system; and adding some sort of tiny homes or housing for workers, new residents, and hunters. 

Commissioner Bruce Symes said the CDBG program could be helpful for the upgrades at Elsmore’s community hall.

The next community conversation will be held in Carlyle in February.

September 11, 2019
September 9, 2019
May 27, 2016
October 8, 2015