The Register collaborated with Iola Elementary School to sponsor an Earth Day Giveaway. Teachers and students integrated past editions of Register newspapers in their classrooms as a fun way to remember the importance of recycling.
A lucky classroom, selected by a raffle, will win a pizza party.
Here are a few photos that caught our eye on Friday afternoon.
Kindergarten teacher Robin Eshelman and her students pose for a photo with their class recycling project. Students worked together to create a papier mache nest full of treats.
Photo by Tim Stauffer / Iola Register
Jacky McIntyre and her second grade students created some beautiful butterflies made of recycled newspapers, a colorful addition to their classroom.
Students in Rachel Palmer’s fifth grade class used recycled newspapers to create Renaissance style clothing. The students used old issues of The Iola Register to make their projects.
Photo by Tim Stauffer / Iola Register
Students in Rachel Palmer’s fifth grade class used recycled newspapers to create Renaissance style clothing. The students used old issues of The Iola Register to make their projects.
Photo by Tim Stauffer / Iola Register
Earth Day on display at Iola Elementary School.
Photo by Tim Stauffer / Iola Register
Earth Day on display at Iola Elementary School
Photo by Tim Stauffer / Iola Register