Chanute weighs sales tax extension

Local News

May 16, 2023 - 3:32 PM

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CHANUTE — Chanute city commissioners are debating what to do about  a quarter-cent sales tax set to expire next year.

At their May 8 meeting, commissioners discussed their options if they want to extend the tax beyond March 2024, the Chanute Tribune reported.

Voters approved the sales tax in 2018 to fund the Chanute Regional Development Authority and repair and maintenance of city properties, the newspaper reported. The tax has generated about $2.2 million since then.

Commissioners must decide by the end of July whether to bring another referendum before the voters. One option is to renew the tax in its present form, the Tribune reported, or to incorporate other recipients, such as the Chanute Area Chamber of Commerce and Main Street Chanute. 

February 22, 2019
February 7, 2019
April 24, 2018
August 17, 2010