Allen seeks input in search for new president

Allen Community College offers three opportunities at public forums next Thursday to discuss the kind president who should lead the college into the future. An online survey also is available.


Local News

September 11, 2024 - 1:47 PM

John Masterson, interim president for Allen Community College, and Board of Trustees Chair Rebecca Nilges listen to a presenation during Tuesday’s meeting. Photo by Vickie Moss / Iola Register

The community will have a chance next week to weigh in on qualities and qualifications they want in the next president of Allen Community College.

The college will offer three public forums at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19, at Allen’s Stadler Conference Room in the Student Union.

The goal is to allow the community, students and employees to weigh in on the search for a new president. A search committee and a firm hired to recruit the new president will use the information to develop a presidential profile to help them decide who will be the best fit for the college and the community. 

Those who attend also can discuss opportunities and challenges facing the college in the future, and ask questions about the presidential search process.

Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), a national recruiting firm, was hired to lead the search. Dr. Ed Massey, ACCT search consultant, will facilitate the discussion.

An electronic survey also is available for those who can’t attend. The survey is anonymous and available on Allen’s website here.

The day after the forums, Sept. 20, the search committee will meet to review results. At 5 p.m., the board of trustees will meet to approve a job description.

Once ACCT and the committee narrows the search, the top candidates will be asked to attend another series of public forums, likely in early December. Again, members of the community, students and employees will have an opportunity to give feedback after meeting the candidates. 

THE BOARD was tasked with hiring a new president after Bruce Moses resigned and left in June to lead a college in California.

John Masterson, who retired in July 2022 after 30 years as president, was asked to return as interim president.

The timeline provided by ACCT calls for selecting a new president by mid-December, with a targeted start-date of early January — just in time for the spring semester.

Board of Trustees member Jessica Thompson serves as chairperson of the search committee. Other members are:

Becky Nilges – Board Chair

Gary McIntosh – Community member

Karen Emerson – Community member

Bethany Gould – Student

Nicci Denny – Faculty, business Instructor

Trish Stogsdill – Faculty, theatre Instructor

Melanie Wallace – Staff, dean for distance and general education
