In step with the beginning of the summer term, Allen Community College trustees met Tuesday evening to take stock of a semester full of unprecedented changes that ACC has managed for the most part to gracefully weather.
At this time, all classes are on schedule to begin for the fall, but it has yet to be decided whether face-to-face classes will ultimately take place. Currently, fall enrollment is down by 12%.
ACC is reopening its doors to the public beginning Monday.
“Nothing’s going to change that greatly for us,” said President John Masterson, only “the doors will be unlocked instead of locked.”
The library and fitness center will reopen as well, including the weight room, and many faculty members will be returning to their offices, though the gymnasium will remain closed for the time being.
Campus visits will also resume on June 15, and those that are already scheduled will move forward.
The college expects to lift all COVID-19 restrictions by June 30.
Trustees are also looking at whether to alter the academic calendar in relation to COVID-19, including whether to end formal classes by Thanksgiving break, thereby cutting down on the possibility of virus transmission brought about by holiday travel.
Pittsburg State University announced such a decision Wednesday.
Its fall break will now occur during the Thanksgiving break, after which all instruction will be moved to an online format.
At this stage, however, ACC board members were not keen to take such action.
ACCORDING to vice president Jon Marshall, despite the college migrating completely online due to COVID-19 in March, final grade entry went off without a hitch and no significant differences occurred in relation to grade distribution.
The college is also moving forward with new hires in leadership studies and theater, as well as beginning the search for a position in the biology department.
Vice president Cynthia Jacobson said ACC’s new website is almost complete, with the goal of being operational by June.
She also highlighted twin challenges faced by international students, including obtaining travel permits and documents in the wake of COVID-19, as well as the possibility of quarantining upon arrival in the U.S.