Local entities advocate for victim support, medical examiners



August 16, 2013 - 12:00 AM

Sexual assaults are an often under-addressed aspect of society, involving victims robbed of their security and innocence.
To help assuage some of their pain, local organizations are pushing to make the investigation of a sexual assault a bit easier.
When a victim is assaulted, they are to contact law enforcement officers who make a report and investigate the crime. If the victim wants to press charges against their assailant, they must be examined by a sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE). In Allen County, and in many counties across the state, there is no SANE unit. Victims must be sent to Neosho Memorial Regional Medical Center in Chanute or in the case of children, to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City.
“We don’t have that resource available in our community,” County Attorney Wade Bowie said. He has been pushing for the unit since he became county attorney in 2011.
Thrive Allen County Executive Director David Toland, Iola Police Chief Jared Warner and Bowie discussed the need for a SANE unit in Allen County on Thursday morning.
“It’s already traumatic enough for them (the victims),” Bowie said.
“It’s almost like re-victimizing the victim,” Warner chimed in.
Bowie said he has seen video footage of the 30-minute drive to Chanute, with an officer and the victim — which is oftentimes a child.
“It can seem like an eternity to them,” Bowie said of the drive.
SANE units gather evidence through what Warner described as a “very invasive procedure” for the court cases. Just as in any other case, proof must be made beyond any reasonable doubt. The evidence can be difficult to obtain and recognize, however, such as microscopic tears and bite mark impressions.
“We are dealing with the side of society people don’t want to believe exists in Allen County,” Bowie said. “It happens here all the time.”

PATTY MCGUFFIN, chief nursing officer at Allen County Regional Hospital, said nurses must take an additional exam and certification class to be considered a sexual assault nurse examiner.
The 40-hour course teaches the nurses how to deal with and examine someone who has been sexually assaulted.
In addition to the certifications, which cost about $350, there is specialized examination equipment, such as a $23,500 digital camera specially designed to take photographs at a microscopic level. The camera also produces “secure and uneditable” file formats that can be used as evidence in a court of law.
Allen County does not have a SANE unit mainly because of a lack of resources and coordination, McGuffin said, not because of a lack of need or personnel.
“We recognize the need and are willing to explore any opportunity,” she said. “I have nurses who are passionate about getting the SANE certification.”
For the examination of victims, a special use area is generally designated to ensure their privacy; It need not necessarily be in a hospital.
Bowie said his office has funds available for something like a SANE unit, through his diversion program. The only remaining roadblocks are coordination between law enforcement, funding organizations and the local hospital.

FUNDING for the examinations has sticking issues as well.
Bowie said under a statute, counties are required to pay for the SANE examinations. Bowie said he receives bills for exams from victims he has never seen or heard of. Since 2008, $21,055.26 has been spent on SANE exams.
“This is a revenue issue, too,” Toland said. “We need to keep every dollar we can in the community.”
“Not only is there a need, but an opportunity.”
Toland sees the service as an opportunity for victims when they are at their darkest moment to be treated close to home.
“It’s not a revenue increasing thing, it’s for the community,” Warner said.
“We need to take care of our own,” Toland replied.
The next step, according to McGuffin, is to work on coordination. There are currently SANE-certified nurses in the area who could be “on-call” examiners for the time being. Funding, purchase of equipment and allocation of resources are the  next steps to be taken.
A need for the SANE program was recognized by all parties — especially in a state with such sparse resources for examiners. According to the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, there are only 23 SANE-ready facilities in 105 Kansas counties. There are only five west of Barton County.
“We have the tools and equipment to adequately prosecute what I consider predators,” Bowie said. “And they’re in our community.
“I don’t think it should be an option to be honest,” Warner said.
