LaHarpe offers health fair

LaHarpe PRIDE will offer a Health & Resource Fair at 11 a.m. Saturday. The goal is to educate residents about the many resources available to all ages, all incomes. Free immunizations also are available for such things as flu, COVID and more.



January 15, 2024 - 3:29 PM

LAHARPE — There are a lot of resources available to help people. Stacy Jackman hopes they can learn more about those options at a Health & Resource Fair from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at LaHarpe City Hall.

Stacy JackmanCourtesy photo

“I want people to know there are a lot of good resources in Allen County and they don’t necessarily have to drive to Kansas City or Wichita or Joplin,” she said. “And a lot of times they think something is based on income or age but it’s not.”

Jackman is organizing the event as part of the LaHarpe Pride Committee, which she and her husband, Russell, joined several months ago as a way to get more involved in their community. 

Much of the event is based on her former experience working for the Southeast Kansas Area Agency on Aging. She helped complete assessments for clients who needed nursing home care, and presented information at community outreach locations. 

“I’ve always been passionate about making sure people know what’s available, and clearing up misconceptions,” she said.

Saturday’s health fair is open to everyone at no charge. Several vendors will be available to provide information and services.

Free immunizations are available through teams with the Allen County Health Department and Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas. Insurance is not required, but bring your card if you have it and personal identification. Vaccines available include flu, COVID, RSV, pneumonia, shingles and Tdap. 

Other booths will be offered by K-State Research & Extension, Area Agency on Aging, Thrive Allen County, Hope Unlimited and Humanity House. 

Information will be available about nutrition, radon testing, in-home care, transportation, violence and abuse services, and public health services.

Jackman said she would like to expand the health fair to twice yearly.
