Descendants of Leroy and Philena Ladd gathered in the Humboldt Senior Citizens Center Sunday for the 98th consecutive annual potluck dinner.
Representing the Leola Laude family were Paul and Helen Stoll, Quentin and Maria Stoll, Isaac, Sierre, and Noah, Yates Center; John and Michelle Hole, Johnny, Kaylie, and Emmie, Humboldt; Brett and Ashley Stoll, Caroline, Adam, Andrew, and Kate, Olathe; Caysia Crellin and guest, Gabby Ruth-ledge, Chanute.
Those attending from the Ennis Ladd clan were Bonnie Ladd, Matt and Michelle Loomis and Maegan, Humboldt; Alan and Christy Ladd, Atlantic, Iowa; Brian and Jillian Ladd, Hannah, Henry and Ruth, Overland Park; Ray and Cindy Ladd, Effingham; David and Phyllis Loomis, Iola, Justin and Lisa Der, Nathaniel, Elias, Levi, Hudson, Johanna, Caleb, Esme, and Elena, Indianapolis, Indiana; Chad and Jana Grisier, Jaylen, Emerson, and Hazel, Sapulpa, Oklahoma. The Ladd family traditionally gathers the first Sunday of July in Humboldt for a covered dish reunion.
The site was provided by Roland and Linda Thompson and the blessing before the meal was given by Phyllis Loomis. After the meal, door prizes were awarded by Alan and Christy Ladd to attendees who could answer family trivia or who had recently completed a specified task.