Kappa Alphas enlist in Sunday Soups effort

Local News

July 24, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Kappa Alpha Chapter selected officers for the 2018-19 year. From left, President Roberta Ellis, Vice President Lucinda Stanley, Recording Secretary Patti Latta, Treasurer Carla Hunt, Associate Scribe Jolene Boeken, Sergeant-at-Arms Lori Ensminger and Hist

Barbara Anderson and Mary Lacrone hosted the July business meeting for Kappa Alpha sorority in the Community National Bank meeting room. The evening featured a patriotic theme.

Members signed up to assist with Iola First Presbyterian Church’s “Sunday Soups” project Sunday. Twelve members helped.

The effort conformed with this year’s national platform, “Feed the Hungry.”

Kappa Alpha met July 16 found at Rookies for a fajita meal laid out by Carrie Sailor and her staff before going to CNB to install the new officers.
