Iolan brings energy to Chamber post



November 6, 2015 - 12:00 AM

With a sunny-side-up disposition, Carol Sager is perfect as the “face of Iola.”
Sager takes the helm at the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce beginning Dec. 1.
Her experience in not only retail sales but also private industry, gives her a running start in her new role.
“My first goal is to build up membership by reaching out to those who have let theirs drop and to let them know we will work for them,” she said. “I will listen to their concerns and their hopes. I will be a face around town. People will see me, and get to know me.”
That confidence comes from Sager’s warm, embracing nature, and her desire to make her hometown “the best it can be.”

A NATIVE of Iola, Sager graduated from Iola High School in 1978. Her maiden name is Cason; the daughter of Bob and the late Pauline Cason.
After graduation, she attended Allen Community College. In 1981, she married Keith Hedden of Chanute, where they remained and raised two children, a daughter, Candace, and a son, Colt.
Keith was employed by Fed-Ex Freight.
Carol, meanwhile, had several jobs, including managing a clothing store called Anthony’s, which later was sold to Stage Stores. She also ran the computer lab at Chanute High School before she landed a position with Welding Services, Inc., and then lastly with Pacer Oil Co., from 2010 to 2015.
When Pacer closed its Chanute office in March of this year Sager found herself without a job, for the first time in many years.
She filled the free time quickly, including volunteering at Second Chance, the second-hand store whose proceeds benefit the Allen County Animal Rescue Facility.
Most recently, she became involved with the Farm-City Days steering committee.
She’s also an avid flower and vegetable gardener, tends to a menagerie of animals, practices yoga, and enjoys bike riding.

SAGER would be the first to say she’s led what she terms a very fortunate life. More proof of her positive nature.
In 2001, her husband was diagnosed with brain cancer. He died in 2002, leaving her a widow at age 42. And while the loss still stings, Sager can count her blessings.
“We had a wonderful marriage for 20 years,” she said.
In 2003, Carol was introduced to John Sager of Moran. They have been married since 2004.
“I didn’t think I could be so lucky twice,” she said.
Carol and John live on the outskirts of Gas on 2000 Street. He works as a safety coach for Union Pacific Railroad.
“I love the countryside, the space, the quiet,” she said of their 10 acres.

SAGER believes Iola has a lot of untapped potential.
“We need to market the positives of the downtown square,” she said. “After the parade for Farm-City Days people stayed downtown for hours, talking, shopping, eating. That’s only one example of what downtown Iola can be.”
Sager said the experience with F-C Days whetted her appetite to do more community-minded activities, hence her application for the job with the Chamber.
“I think it’s something I’ll enjoy, and hopefully, I will be able to make a positive impact. There’s lots to learn and I plan on networking with area directors to see what their successes have been.
“I’m excited to get started.”
