On Monday, members of the board of directors of the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce issued a statement in support of David Tolands confirmation as Secretary of Commerce.
In a letter addressed to Sen. Julia Lynn, chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, board members said the Chamber, fully supports Toland and We are looking forward to Davids confirmation and our future work together to further improve and grow southeast Kansas.
The letter also addresses the boards decision to stand apart from that of their president, Shilo Eggers, who in a separate letter to Sen. Lynn voiced her opposition to Toland.
Excerpts of Eggers letter read: I reside in Woodson County, Kansas. I am the Vice President of Commercial Banking for Landmark National Bank in Iola and am the President of the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce. I am writing to strongly urge you to NOT confirm David Toland as Secretary of Kansas Department of Commerce . I can attest that Mr. Toland is not the best suited for the position.