Jack Ingram, whose songs have been at or near the top of country music charts for more than a decade, has been added to the list of performers at the Farm-City Days Summer Concert in Iola.
Ingram will join Frankie Ballard on July 14.
Ingrams works include Wherever You Are, Love You, Lips of an Angel (a cover version of a song by Hinder), Measure of a Man, Maybe Shell Get Lonely, Thats a Man and Barefoot and Crazy.
Early bird general admission tickets are on sale for $20, with the price jumping to $30 after May
15. Tickets at the gate sell for $40 apiece. Additionally, VIP tickets will sell for $75 each.
Tickets can be purchased online at farmcitydays.com, at Jump Start in Iola, via the Farm-City Days Facebook page or through other ticket distributors throughout southeast Kansas.