HUMBOLDT — Residents here will see their sewer rates nearly double to accommodate needed changes to the city’s sewer system.
The upgrade will cost $6.2 million, but debt service will be based on a U.S. Department of Agriculture loan that will total either $7 million or $7.3 million, including $1.6 million from loan principles to be paid from previous work. The difference will be whether USDA comes across with a grant of $280,000. Humboldt also will seek a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant from the state Department of Commerce.
Annual loan repayment will be about $250,000 over 40 years.
With the $280,000 USDA grant, the monthly rate increase would be $21.72, for an average individual payment of $45. If the USDA grant does not materialize, the rate increase would be $22.47 and push the average monthly charge for residents to $45.75.
Improvements will include repairs to water mains as well as up to 207 specific points in water lines that see significant infiltration by groundwater; 276 feet of manhole liners; 54,890 feet of liners for mains; 531 service tap connections and additional work at the sewer plant.
BG Consultants, Emporia, will oversee the work, which is expected to start in the spring of 2018.
KDOC will announce block grant funding on Jan. 23. Success will mean bids for the work will be opened in December 2017. If Humboldt misses out on the $500,000 block grant, one of three options may be exercised, said Bruce Boettcher of BG Consultants. Humboldt could seek additional revenue through its USDA loan, scale back the project or wait another a year and apply again for the CDBG funding.
The work proposed has been ordered by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, so dropping the project altogether is out of the question.
IN OTHER NEWS, council members:
— Closed out the town’s rental property rehabilitation program. During the past 29 months seven of nine homes proposed for upgrading were done, with $117,025 spent from $170,000 made available by the Department of Commerce through its Business and Community Development division. Humboldt pledged $41,000 and expended $38,927. Owners also had a financial stake in improvements.
The project was meant to add to housing stock for low- to moderate-income families.
— Approved an ordinance to comply with state law that moved city and school elections in the spring to the fall. The vote with 6-1, including Mayor Nobby Davis’ participation. Don Becannon was the only councilmen to cast a negative vote, saying he was personally “opposed to the change.” Council members Cindy Holinsworth and Sarah Lassman were absent. A two-thirds vote was required, which occurred with Davis’ support.
— Named Councilman Otis Crawford voting delegate for the Kansas League of Municipalities convention in Overland Park Oct. 8-10. Councilwoman Sunny Shreeve will be Humboldt’s alternate in voting matters.
— Were told Austin Sigler had completed his Eagle Scout project to identify residences without proper street number identification – 55 were found. With owners’ permission Sigler applied the numbers.