Humanity House, Iola’s nascent organization geared to helping local families in need, has its eyes on another fundraiser this month.
So far, 18 volunteers have been recruited to prepare heaping helpings of chili, soup and pie for a Nov. 17 feast.
The fundraiser will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the New Community Building at Riverside Park.
Proceeds will be used to help struggling families pay their utility bills over the winter.
Georgia Masterson, one of the organizers, said others wishing to prepare some chili, soup or pie should call either her or Tracy Keagle to let them know.
Volunteers to help the day of the meal also are being sought.
If enough sign on the help, some meals will be delivered, Masterson said.
“But it’s too soon to tell whether we’ll have enough people on hand for that,” Masterson said.
Regardless, diners can have lunch at the Community Building, or carry out their orders.
Those who eat on site also will have their choice of coffee, tea or water.
Meals will cost $6 apiece.
Pre-orders also will be accepted — “We’d really love for businesses to think of us for lunch that day,” Masterson said — by calling 363-2757 or 333-2477.
To volunteer or order food, the pair also can be reached at