Hope Unlimited prepares for big move


Local News

September 5, 2019 - 10:49 AM

A visit Wednesday by the Rt. Rev. Cathleen Bascom to Iola Wednesday coincided with some big happenings on the horizon for Hope Unlimited.

The organization is in the midst of preparing its new home at 406 N. Buckeye St.

The building has been vacant for more than two years since the Kansas Department of Children and Families office closed its doors.

The move from its old quarters at 8 N. Washington Ave. will allow the organization more room to operate, noted Dorothy Sparks, executive director.

“We’ll have twice as much square footage,” she said.

Hope Unlimited serves a number of roles in the community, primarily for victims of domestic or sexual abuse.

The organization also offers up a visitation center for parents sharing custody of their children, and as a site for forensic interviews for young abuse victims. Hope Unlimited also provides an off-site shelter for battered family members in seek of a temporary safe haven.

Volunteers have been busily preparing the old DCF building, which remains in good shape despite sitting empty for two years, Sparks said.

“We’ve had to do painting, things like that,” she said.

The next step prior to moving is installing a new security system, which should be in place for the move, scheduled for Sept. 16.

For more information, call 365-7566.

Bascom’s visit to Hope Unlimited was scheduled by members of Iola’s St. Timothy’s Episcopalian Church, which has been a partner and supporter of Hope Unlimited for several years.

