
Local News

November 11, 2019 - 10:02 AM

Residents march through the Veterans Day parade Saturday, holding photographs of the veterans in their lives.

Military servicemen and women have a myriad of reasons for enlisting, Harry Lee Jr. noted Saturday.

Harry Lee Jr. delivers the keynote address. 

Some may do it for adventure. For others, it could be a measure to uphold a family tradition.

“I do believe as we mature and gain an understanding of the importance of our military service, it becomes much more — and it can be summed up in one word: love,” said Lee. “Service is about love. Love of country, love of family, love of friends and neighbors.”

Lee, retired Army colonel, delivered the keynote address at Saturday’s Veterans Day ceremony in downtown Iola.

He praised those who have served, as well as the families that have supported them.

“No matter what branch you served in, raising your hand and committing yourself to service in the military was a brave and selfless act,” Lee said, “one that resulted in few guarantees, where you would be assigned, when and where you would be deployed, and whether you would come back in one piece.”

Doug Northcutt and Maggie Barnett prepare for a balloon release in honor of Kansas veterans killed or missing in action.

Lee’s military career ended in 1990.

“I was out of the military, but the military was not out of me,” he said. “Over time, every military enlistment or commission comes to an end. But our obligation and privilege to serve others has no expiration date.”

The ceremonies included the release of balloons in honor of Kansans killed or still missing in action, and a number of songs by Iolan Becky French.

One of French’s songs, “Let There Be Peace,” struck a chord with Lee.

“Of all the people on earth who should pray for peace,” Lee said, “It should be our servicemen and women.”
