Good communication skills key to overcoming hurdles



September 8, 2020 - 9:46 AM

4-H’ers pose their goats in the show ring Friday at the Allen County Fair. Photo by Trevor Hoag

In the communications project, youth will learn to interpret verbal and nonverbal information, develop effective public speaking skills, enhance written and spoken communication, defend a point, design a presentation and much more

The 4-H Curriculum that can be purchased for anyone interested in the communications project. Here is a breakdown of what youth can learn at different levels:

Ages 7-8:

• Learn responses to bullying

• Decode a message

• Write a letter

• Give a project talk

Ages 9-11:

• Give and receive directions using directional and transitional words

• Write a speech and critique it

• Write a press release 

• Create and give a demonstration or illustrated talk

Ages 14-18:

• Discover what causes a communication gap

• Create and give a demonstration or illustrated talk
