Gas man jailed for ATV wreck death


September 10, 2010 - 12:00 AM

Christopher D. Dix, 31, Gas, will spend the next year in jail for his role in a March 2009 all-terrain vehicle accident that claimed the life of a Chanute woman. Judge Thomas Saxton handed down the sentence Wednesday in Allen County Magistrate Court.
Dix pleaded guilty in August to one count of vehicular homicide, a misdemeanor.
Dix was piloting an ATV with Robin Ulrich, 30, Chanute, as his passenger, on 600 Street, a hard-surfaced county road, a half-mile south of U.S. 54 at Piqua Hill. Several other ATVs were also driving along.
The ATVs were running abreast when one bumped another, starting a chain-reaction accident.
Ulrich died of her injuries. Dix, Kelly Wilson and Heather Sigg were injured.
Dix originally was charged with second-degree murder. He pleaded guilty March 25 to the vehicular homicide charge, a misdemeanor.
Saxton set the one-year jail sentence and denied a request to have the sentence suspended for probation.

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