Funston descendant pays visit to Iola



May 2, 2018 - 11:00 PM

Edward H. Funston III, stands in front of a painting of Mag. Gen. Frederick Funston at the Nartional Guard 891st armory in Iola Wednesday.

Not many folks can learn about their family’s genealogy at a local museum.

Edward H. Funston III, a grandnephew of Iola’s Maj. Gen. Frederick Funston, came to Iola Wednesday to research his family’s history on display at the Allen County Historical Society’s museum complex. Funston’s childhood home and the museum’s visitor’s center are replete with Funston memorabilia and historical facts.

Funston, age 86 and of Topeka, came with his cousin, Richard Ross.

They also stopped by the National Guard’s 891st Headquarters in Iola, where a large portrait of Fred Funston is displayed just inside the front door.

THE FUNSTON roots run deep throughout southeast Kansas.

Edward, the son of Clifford Mitchell and Sarah Estelle (Huggins) Funston, was born in Parsons Dec. 7, 1931 — 10 years to the day before the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Edward was named after Edward H. Funston, Frederick’s father.

“I was Edward III because Junior was still alive,” he said.

Clifford Funston was a long-time postmaster in Independence, where Edward grew up and graduated from high school.

From there, he attended law school at the University of Kansas, and worked briefly with his cousin’s law firm in Emporia.

He served a two-year stint as Lyon County attorney “before some local aced me out,” he said.

Edward then went to work for the Department of Justice as a U.S. attorney for Kansas. He later worked in Washington, D.C., then overseas, to Guam, the Virgin Islands and Panama.

Edward retired in 1997.

Edward and his late wife, Sandy, had four children, three of whom remain in the Midwest.

Their oldest, Beth, lives in Prairie Village and works for Hallmark. His son, Edward Funston IV, is a radio broadcaster in Esther-ville, Iowa. Daughter Allison works for the Disney Corporation in Orlando. His youngest daughter, Shelly, is a nurse in Topeka.

EDWARD has been in Iola previously. He was in town for the Funston Home dedication in 1995. He also came when the National Guard armory opened its doors in the 1940s.

A schedule conflict prevented Edward from being in town in 2015 during a ceremony to mark Fred Funston’s 150th birthday.
