A number of celebrations will fill the sky with colorful explosions over the holiday weekend.
There’s plenty on the ground to keep folks occupied as well.
The Iola Elks will celebrate Independence Day on Monday with a youth fishing tournament at Elks Lake starting at 9 a.m. Registration begins at 8, and lunch will be served afterward. Older fishermen will cast their lines throughout the afternoon in a carp tournament.
The Elks fireworks extravaganza starts shortly after dusk. The lake is open to the public all day.
Gerry Diltz, proprietor of Black Cat Fireworks in Gas, will for the 29th consecutive year treat the community to a fireworks show Monday at dusk.
The fireworks will be lighted near Crossroads Learning Center and is visible for miles around.
Humboldt’s annual Mike Rickner Memorial Fireworks Show begins at dusk Sunday. Model airplane enthusiasts will fly their models at about 7 p.m. at the Humboldt Municipal Golf Course.
Elsmore’s Independence Day celebration also is Sunday evening. Beginning at 6:30 p.m. a dinner featuring pork burgers, hamburgers, hot dogs and Polish sausages will be served. Dessert and homemade ice cream also will be available.
It’s also an opportunity for residents to participate in a book swap and to view the town’s new exercise center in its community building.
A fireworks show begins at dusk.