Filing deadline Wednesday


May 26, 2016 - 12:00 AM

The deadline of noon Wednesday to change party affiliation for the primary election Aug. 2 coincides with the deadline to file for office.

Allen County Clerk Sherrie Riebel said voter registration books would remain closed until primary election results were certified, a few days after the Aug. 2 elections.

All county offices except one commission seat held by Jerry Daniels, Humboldt, will be filled in the Nov. 8 races. Commissioner Tom Williams and Sheriff Bryan Murphy face opposition in the primary election.


Ron Ballard, an Iola firefighter, is Williams’ opponent on the Republican ticket. For sheriff, Kelley Zellner, a Humboldt pastor and police chief in Conway Springs, and Jared Froggatte, an Iola police detective, will face off against Murphy on the primary’s Republican ballot.
