An investigation is under way as the result of a letter faxed to law enforcement and area media, including the Register, signed by Michael W. McGregor, Fort Scott.
At the start, McGregor states: “I, Michael Walter McGregor, being neither of sound mind nor body hereby forgive the city of Colony for all its sins committed against me, my animals and against my GOD and savior.”
Later in the letter, McGregor wrote: “And I offer this friendly advice, which by no means do you have to take. The next time you treat a man this way he could get pretty mad, and bomb Crest School during class and then three minutes later as the volunteers are arriving at the pretty new fire house set off another bomb and then he might bomb the city council meeting or Colony Days.”
“Any time school and bomb are mentioned in the same sentence, you have to take it seriously,” said Anderson County Sheriff Vern Valentine.
Despite rumors, the Colony School was not locked down, Valentine said.
Anderson County officers did go to Colony Friday afternoon, however, and Sheriff Valentine notified the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation about the fax and its contents.
He pointed out that state and federal agents had more latitude and facility to conduct investigations into such matters; “they know what to do.”
Allen County Sheriff Bryan Murphy, at the request of Anderson County, drove to Colony and stood by while discussions about the letter were ongoing with school authorities.
“I didn’t have a role, though,” Murphy said. “Just stood by and then left when they cleared the scene.”