

April 3, 2013 - 12:00 AM

Incumbents win in Iola, as few voters go to polls


Incumbents were returned to seats on the Iola council in Tuesday’s election, but voters looked elsewhere for representatives for the USD 258 (Humboldt) Board of Education.
In Savonburg, write-ins were sufficient that they may change the face of the election there.
Countywide 970 people voted, or 11 percent of nearly 8,700 registered.
In Iola Eugene Myrick failed for the second time to win a seat on the council. Don Becker, an incumbent, attracted 69 votes in the Third Ward, while Michael McKinnis got 37 and Myrick 28.
McKinnis announced a month ago that he preferred voters not mark his name since he and wife Susan intended to move from the ward this summer. Also, he said if elected he would resign immediately, which would leave Mayor Joel Wicoff — he was unopposed to replace Bill Shirley — and the council to name a replacement.
Becker, regardless who joins him from Fourth Ward, will have the four-year term.
In the First Ward Nancy Ford won a four-year term with 53 votes. Scott Stewart received 47 and will serve two years.
Beverly Franklin got one more vote than Bob Shaughnessy, 65-64, in the Second Ward to qualify for the four-year term, although that could change when votes are canvassed and a determination is made on provisional ballots, voted but not counted Tuesday night because of possible errors.
In the Fourth Ward Sandy Zornes’ door-to-door campaigning paid off with 67 votes, 20 more than the incumbent, Steve French. Jerod Kelley finished third with 37.

IN USD 258 it wasn’t a good day for incumbents, three of whom sought re-election to three open at-large seats.
Steve Sellman, the lone returning incumbent, finished third among winners with 162 votes. Kevin Heisler topped voting with 183 votes, one more than Kyle Seufert. Incumbents Don Hauser and Larry Mendoza were fourth and sixth with 134 and 118 votes. Clayton Schoendaller came in fifth with 126 votes. Others were Mike Mueller 104, Mitzi Farran 97 and Toni Schomaker 79.
In the only Humboldt council race Jerry Stephens defeated Shelia Bolling 76-48 for a First Ward seat.
Unopposed and elected were incumbent Mayor Nobby Davis, 278 votes; incumbent Mark Slater in the First Ward, 111 votes; and Bryan Manion, 148 votes, for an open seat in the Second Ward. A second Second Ward seat apparently will be filled by a write-in.
In Savonburg four candidates were on the ballot for five council seats, but 39 write-in votes may leave some apparent winners on the outside looking in.
Vern Cuppet Jr. received 20 votes, Lon Hale 15 and Charles Leckrone Jr. and Glenn Wolfe 10 each.
Write-in votes also may unseat the Savonburg mayoral winner. Aaron Wilson got eight votes, but 15 voters wrote in a candidate.
Write-ins won’t be counted until Monday morning, when county commissioners canvass ballots.

OTHER VOTE totals:
Allen Community College Board of Trustees (elect three): Jenny Spillman 602, Harvey Rogers 591, Neal Barclay 583.
Iola: mayor, Joel Wicoff, 297.
Bassett: mayor, Larry Crawford, 5; council (elect five):  Connie Alexander, Carol Crawford, Mark Dozier, James F. Ratcliff, Sheryl Ratcliff, all 5 votes.
Elsmore: no candidates for mayor or five council members.
Gas: mayor, Darrel Catron, 5; council (elect two): Mark Henry, 6, two write-in votes.
Mildred : no candidates for mayor or five council members.
Moran: mayor, Phillip Merkel, 54; council (elect two): James Mueller, 49, Gene Gardner, 45.
USD 256 (Moran-Elsmore): position 3, Jim Armstrong, 24, Lindsay Drake, 21; position 4, Bill Bigelow, 16; position 5, Joshua Herrmann, 22; position 6, Steve Becker, 9.
USD 257 (Iola): position 4, Tony Leavitt, 75; position 5, 9 write-in votes ; position 6, Darrel Catron, 53.
USD 479 (Colony): position 4, Travis Church, 9, Frank Stewart, 1; position 5, Jeff Strickler 10; position 6, Bryan Miller, 8; position 7, Steve Prasko, 4, write-in, 5.


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