

June 13, 2017 - 12:00 AM

Iola’s downtown — already a bustling place during the workday — had more activity than usual Monday morning.
A team of volunteers from the Iola CITF/PRIDE Committee, 4-H’ers and other city staffers were on hand to place more than two dozen flower planters along city sidewalks.
The flowers are part of a downtown beautification project spearheaded by CITF/PRIDE, which secured a grant to fund much of the $10,000-plus effort.
Meanwhile, city employees were nearby painting Iola’s ornate light poles, while work crews began replacing the facade of Thrive Allen County’s building — the old Kress Building — in the 10 block of South Jefferson Avenue.
The activity made a quintessential backdrop for Bill Maness’s pitch Monday to City Council members to add a public restroom facility somewhere around the square.
Maness, economic development director at Thrive Allen County, spoke about a possible site in the pocket park next to city hall on West Jackson Avenue.
He noted the myriad events that occur downtown, such as Farm-City Days, Iola Municipal Band concerts, the Allen County Farmers’ Market and other events, as well as day-to-day shoppers and visitors to town.
Maness noted a downtown summit held in February pegged public restrooms downtown as an idea that needed exploring.
He said Thrive would be willing to seek out grants to fund the construction.
The restrooms would blend in with the existing architecture, Maness said. “It doesn’t have to stand out.
“There are many details to be figured out,” he continued. “Right now, our main task is asking if it would be worthwhile.”
He asked if the city has any desire to use the vacant lot next to City Hall.
Council members were non-committal.
City Administrator Sid Fleming said he would visit more in depth with Maness before bringing the matter back to the Council. Fleming noted a public restroom facility would enhance downtown.
(Note: An article in Saturday’s Register previewing the request incorrectly identified a pocket park on South Jefferson Avenue as the proposed site. We regret the error.)
COUNCIL members also:
— Approved, 7-0, a new purchasing policy that better clarifies when city officials should favor local bids on large-scale purchases. Councilman Aaron Franklin was absent.
— Approved, 7-0, a request from T&T business, Inc., to extend the application period for neighborhood revitalization tax breaks for property being renovated at 417 E. Madison Ave. The original application was good for one year; renovation work has proceeded, but will not be done in time to meet the first deadline, Assistant City Administrator Corey Schinstock said.
— Agreed, 7-0, to give 150 or so pool passes to the Kansas Army National Guard for the 891st Engineer Battalion’s annual picnic Aug. 6. The passes will go to guardsmen and their families.
— Accepted the retirement of Randy Holtz from the Fire Department, and promoted Ashley Robb as a paramedic within IFD. Patrick Middleton and Sara Robb were hired as firefighters.
