Crops delayed


June 11, 2019 - 10:28 AM

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A new report shows Kansas growers are still behind in getting their crops planted.

The National Agricultural Statistics Service reported Monday that sorghum planting is running late with 25% planted. That is half of what is normally seeded by this time.

Just 48% of the state’s soybeans have also been planted so far. Usually by this late in the spring Kansas farmers already have 69% of the crop seeded.

Corn planting is 89% finished, compared to the 97% average.

Winter wheat condition is rated as 12% poor to very poor, 30% fair, and 58% good to excellent.

The state’s wheat crop is developing very slowly this season, with only 2% now mature. Typically 25% has matured by this date.
