Crest moves forward with bond project

The Crest school district is seeking bids for a Construction Manager at Risk to oversee its $5.95 million renovation project.



December 6, 2023 - 3:40 PM

Crest USD 479 school board member Nathan Beckmon, at right, speaks with patrons at a community information meeting in September at the Kincaid Community Center regarding a $5.95 million bond project. Register file photo

COLONY — With voter approval of a $5.95 million renovation for the Crest school district in hand, school officials are now deciding who will oversee the project.

The district is seeking proposals for a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) to oversee construction of a new auxiliary gym, a two-classroom storm shelter, renovations to classroom spaces, renovations to the kitchen and cafeteria, a more secure and handicapped-accessible entrance and other improvements. 

Walk-through tours scheduled for Dec. 18-19 will allow contractors to see the school and answer questions about the project. Proposals are due by 3 p.m. Dec. 28.

The board is expected to interview candidates in January, with the hope of making a decision by February.

Construction is expected to begin in May 2024. If all goes well, the project should be completed in the summer of 2025.

The board decided to hire a construction manager at risk rather than a general contractor in the hope it will allow more local or regional subcontractors to bid on various aspects of the project, Superintendent Shane Walter said. 

A CMAR oversees every aspect of the project at a guaranteed price. If the project exceeds the cost, the CMAR absorbs the extra expense — and therefore the risk. This construction model is also responsible for seeking bids and hiring subcontractors.

Register file photo

Other area districts — USDs 257 in Iola and 258 in Humboldt — hired a CMAR to oversee recent bond projects.

“The CMAR process allows local groups to bid on smaller parts of the project and try to keep it as close to home as possible,” Walter said. “We also feel like it helps with communication and expertise, and is the best opportunity for cost savings.”

Construction is expected to cost about $5.3 million with engineering and architect fees accounting for most of the remaining costs.

Walter and the board also have begun the process to sell 20-year bonds for the project. Walter hopes to complete the bond sale in January.

Prior to the election, the board estimated the project will add about 16 mills to the budget for a total of 53.178. For the owner of a $100,000 home in USD 479, the bond would add about $184 more each year to the property tax bill. That translates to about $15.33 per month, or 50 cents per day.

Voters approved the Crest bond issue by a margin of 56% to 44%.

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