Court report



April 6, 2018 - 11:00 PM

DISTRICT COURT Judge Daniel Creitz Civil cases filed:

U.S. Bank National Association vs. La Tisha Carman, City of LaHarpe, mortgage foreclosure Tyler Trarbach vs. Kansas Department of Revenue, review of administrative hearing Jessica Cruz vs. Gerardo Cruz, divorce Jeffrey L. Grogg vs. Mikaela E. Grogg, divorce

Marriage licenses issued:

Ryan W. Janzen and Jordan P. Stockebrand Garrett D. Mulsow and Jenell B. Cox

MAGISTRATE COURT Judge Tod Davis Convicted of no seat belt and fined $30:

Lisa Daniels, Humboldt Caden C. Knavel, Iola Shayla A. Anderson, Iola Monte S. Patton, Chanute Craigory S. Gibson, Stark Brandi L. Gillespie, Humboldt

Convicted of speeding:

Jesus E. Gutierrez, Con-roe, Texas, 82/65, $195 Paul G. Hein, Leavenworth, 79/65, $177 Tanner W. Orth, Iola, 66/45, $222 Denise Doty, Lenexa, 82/65, $195 Christopher J. Claunch, Bolivar, Mo., 77/65, $165 James P. Haralson, Bartlesville, Okla., 75/65, $153 Kyler B. Hancock, Chanute, 76/65, $153 Eric C. Wolfe, Branson, Mo., 75/65, $153 Russell L. Claybaker, Prairie Village, 80/65, $183 Christopher D. Bynum, Freeman, Mo., 80/65, $208 Shelly E. Naughtin, Kansas City, Mo., 75/65, $153 Jason P. Marnell, Quenemo, $75/65, $153 Elizabeth R. Di SIlvestro, Tulsa, Okla., 75/65, $153 Adam L. Stehm, Chanute, 75/65, $153 Lillie B. Keener, Clare-more, Okla., 84/65, $207 Alexander Z. Wilbee, Bartlesville, Okla., 75/65, $153 Polly A. Harjo, Depew, Okla., 85/65, $213 Sean Clinscales, Kellen, Texas, 81/65, $189 Shelby T. Smith, Humboldt, 75/65, $153

Convicted as follows:

Kimberly K. Bierbaum, Spring Hill, no child passenger restraint, $168 Leonard M. Lehman, Iola, no notice of address change, $183 Nathaniel T. Burney, Iola, unsafe speed for conditions, $183 Tucker M. Hurst, Erie, no seatbelt, $60 Alex A. Aguilar Rosado, Olathe, no seatbelt, $60

Cases deferred with fines assessed:

Augustus J. Luedke, Iola, DUI, transporting an open container, failure to stop at a stop sign, failure to report accident, $1,278 Todd O. Sinclair, Andover, DUI, $883 Kathleen M. Harrisonimel, Lakewood, Calif., 80/65, $208 Taylor D. Seward, Gas, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, $583 Jesse D. Zimmerman, Iola, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, transporting an open container, $1,253 Guthrie A. Dean Jr., Henryetta, Okla., possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, $673

Criminal cases filed:

David O. Wright, LaHarpe, false impersonation John D. Cox Sr., Iola, domestic battery, battery David B. Cescon, Iola, possession of marijuana Misty D. Beatty, Iola, domestic battery Jason A. Glukowsky, Iola, possession drug paraphernalia Christopher R. Marlow, Iola, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, endangering a child Dylan J. Reser, Iola, possession of marijuana, possession drug paraphernalia Chad M.M. Mott, Iola, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia Sharon HWA Willard, Iola, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia Rodney D. Morrison, La-Harpe, domestic battery Ronnie E. Modlin, Iola, battery Richard L. Yarbrough Jr., Chanute, criminal trespass

Contract cases filed:

Midland Funding LLC vs. Tammi Vaughn

Small Claims filed:

Tristan P. Roegner vs. James A. Jones Sr.

IOLA MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Patti Boyd Convicted as follows with fines assessed:

Sharal J. Beck, Iola, battery, disorderly conduct Christopher W. Genoble, Iola, criminal damage, contempt of court John P. Kent, Iola, criminal trespass

LAHARPE MUNICIPAL COURT Judge Patti Boyd Convicted of speeding:

Brandon McDaniel, Welda, 66/55, $166 Heather Trester, Iola, 66/55, $166 Jacob Westervelt, Iola, 67/55, $172

Convicted as follows with fines assessed:

Sandra Ingram, LaHarpe, dogs at large, $140 Travis Wilson, LaHarpe, loud/unnecessary noise, $80
