County to provide meals



July 22, 2015 - 12:00 AM

Homebound elderly and those who congregate at the senior center for a daily meal may begin eating food prepared in the Allen County Jail’s kitchen beginning Aug. 3.
Allen County commissioners gave unanimous approval to the proposal for locally cooked meals, discussed for several weeks and now about to become reality. Catalyst was Senior Services to the Elderly losing its lease on a building in Chanute where meals were cooked the past several years. The alternative is frozen meals, delivered once a week in packages of seven.
Jail kitchen prep surfaced and was championed by County Clerk Sherrie Riebel, who pointed out financial advantage for the county. Now, money for meals will remain in the county, transferred from Services for the Elderly Fund to jail coffers.
The county has paid $2.48 for each meal provided by Senior Services, with a smattering of donations assuaging county costs. Transfer for each meal in the new arrangement will be $2.50, which includes enough to meet any hardware costs preparation at the jail may require. For one, said Sheriff Bryan Murphy, another refrigerator may be needed.
The county elderly fund is well-situated with $226,183 as of Tuesday. The fund is replenished by an ad valorem tax levy of 1 mill, which this year raised about $96,000. In addition to meals, the elderly fund provides money for repairs and upgrades to senior centers under the county’s thumb — in Iola, Humboldt, LaHarpe and Moran — as well as similar expenses.
Volunteers will be expected to carry meals from the jail to senior centers, where some will be consumed and others ferried to homes. Anyone 60 or older may request meals and may receive them at no cost; donations will be accepted.
Elder residents who wish to receive seven frozen meals, delivered to their homes once a week, may contact Senior Services though a site manager or by calling 1-800-794-2440 by July 29. Recipients of frozen meals will be required to pay for them.
Those wanting to participate in the county-sponsored hot meals program and receive a hot noon meal each weekday may call 620-228-3851 or the county clerk’s office, 620-64-1407.

IN OTHER news, commissioners:
 — Noted a reception for Bill King will be in the assembly room, basement of the courthouse, from 10 a.m. to noon next Tuesday. King is retiring after 23 years as director of Public Works. His replacement, Mitch Garner, has been working daily with King for several months.
— Opened bids for a new ambulance. Two companies — American Response Vehicles, Columbia, Mo., and Professional Ambulance, Wamego — offered several options ranging from $185,000 to $190,000. The bids will be reviewed by Ryan Sell, ambulance director, and others. Commissioners said they would make a decision at their Aug. 4 meeting.
— Accepted the lower of two bids for 120 tons of de-icing salt for use on icy roads. Frank Bills Trucking, Severy, was the winning bidder at $6,660; the other was $600 more.

July 24, 2015
July 8, 2015
June 9, 2015
April 29, 2015